Inspired by his grandfather Louis, Robbe Verreth named his solo project: Robbie Lewis. A tribute to the man who gave him his first guitar lessons when he was only 6 years old. The guitar has never left Robbe’s side since then, and he soon began writing songs.
His participation in The Voice of Flanders in 2022 was a memorable moment for all viewers. Everyone was charmed by his English version of Bazart’s ‘Denk maar niet aan morgen’. Being part of Mathieu Terryn‘s team immediately seemed like a natural progression. Robbe also competed several times in the knockouts for Laura Tesoro‘s team.
With all those experiences, Robbe as Robbie Lewis was fully prepared for the release of his first song: ‘Like I Did’. It immediately received airplay on Radio 2, as well as many positive reactions on social media. His second single ‘Sleep Alone’ has just been released, and with its international sound and incredibly catchy chorus, it will also capture all hearts and ears!
His inspiration comes from artists such as John Mayer, Lizzy McAlpine, Bon Iver and Prince. But it is his very recognizable voice and songwriting skill that will bring him a wonderful future!